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  • Writer's pictureAlexander James

Could Mindfulness Help You Be A Better Parent?

It is almost time for the school term to finish for the long summer break, and no doubt children up and down the country will be looking forward eagerly to the carefree weeks that lie ahead. Many parents will also appreciate the chance to spend more time with their kids, but of course it can bring some challenges.

For parents who are juggling full time careers and family, school holidays can be particularly stressful times. This year when household budgets are stretched thinner than ever, finding a way to keep your kids continually occupied for six weeks can pile on even more financial pressure. Is there a way to make this time seem easier?

There is no magic wand that will solve all the logistical problems of managing a job and family, although planning ahead and enlisting the help of family members and friends can really ease the strain. There are also plenty of summer schemes and activity clubs that allow you to claim back tax or are subsidised by the government.

It may also be beneficial to look at the way you interact with your kids. Young children in particular can find a change in routine disruptive and difficult to cope with, and may play up and become crabby or demanding. Some people find that taking a mindful approach to parenting can help them improve the situation.

You may have already heard of mindfulness, as it is a very popular technique for improving focus and concentration, and reducing stress and anxiety. It emphasises paying attention to your surroundings, living in the present moment, and cultivating an objective and non-judgemental mindset.

Mindful parenting takes these principles and applies them to the parent’s relationship with their child. It involves listening to your child with your full attention and taking a moment to consider the best response. This can break a negative cycle of frustration and nagging, and replace it with a more compassionate and understanding approach.

Mindful parenting doesn’t mean that you should accept bad behaviour, but it can help you to deal with it more effectively. It also helps you to become more aware of your child’s and your own emotions, and this can lead you to anticipate warning signs and address a problem before it escalates.

No one is perfect and sometimes you will have a bad day, but mindfulness can teach you to take a more forgiving approach to yourself and your family. This means that you feel better about yourself and eventually it can lead to a closer and more relaxed relationship with your children, rather than a constant battle for control.

Finally, if your kids do become bored and restless despite your best efforts, this is no bad thing. Boredom can prompt us to use our imagination and learn how to spend our spare time more productively. Prise them away from their screens for a few hours and leave the problem of what to do up to them for a change.

If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Kensington, please get in touch with us today.

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