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  • Writer's pictureAlexander James

Simple Habits To Keep Creativity Alive When You Work A 9-5

Many people feel frustrated by the lack of creativity in their job: even if you are not working on an assembly line, being hemmed into a daily commute and the same stale office routine day after day can soon stifle your creative side. Maybe you feel as though you have lost touch with the person you always wanted to be, and fear you will never realise that dream.

We may tell ourselves that we will make time for our passion outside of work hours, whether that’s painting, making music, acting, writing, or whatever. Maybe we might even dream of making a living from our creativity one day. 

However, the reality is that we are often left feeling drained and unmotivated after an unrewarding day or week at work, and it’s all too easy to sit in front of the TV. Finding your way back to the ‘creative flow’ state of mind can seem impossible when the realities of life are pressing in. 

However, as human beings we are all born with an innate capacity for creativity, even if that’s simply cooking a lovely meal for your partner at the weekend. Here are some tips to help you keep your creativity ticking over day to day.

Go back to your inspirations

Think about past times when you have felt most inspired and creative: is it when you are outdoors in mountainous landscapes, by the sea, walking city streets, or browsing art galleries and museums? Schedule in time once a month or so to visit the places or do the activities that you find most inspiring.

Feed your curiosity

Make a daily or weekly habit of learning something new in the field that interests you. For example, if you dream of being a painter, read books about artists you are unfamiliar with or watch videos. If you want to be a creative writer, read more fiction or take a course.

Learn to ignore the doubters

Unfortunately when we reveal our creative dreams to someone else, we can sometimes be met with a dismissive reaction. We might be told “That’s a pipe dream”, or even made to doubt our talents. Maybe we have our own inner critic to battle. If self-belief is an issue, remember that creativity is a natural state of mind and nothing can truly suppress it.

Sometimes, deeper psychological issues might be holding you back, and it might be beneficial to work through them with a professional hypnotherapist.

Start a journal

Journaling is a very powerful way to unlock your creative side. Many people journal in the evenings to wrap up their reflections on the day, but journaling first thing in the morning can be a very powerful tool. 

This is often when our minds are in a state of creative flow and free from the mental clutter of the day, especially if you let yourself write freely and without worrying about an audience.

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